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44th International Film Festival for Children and Youth

At the 44th International Film Festival for Children and Youth in Zlín, the Ecumenical Jury has given the Ecumenical Award to the film

Blindgänger, by Bernd Sahling, Germany 2004

In captivating images with deep symbolic meaning, the spectator is introduced to the world of the blind. An immigrant boy seeking for shelter is helped by a blind girl and they learn to know each other's life. The film is created with a wonderful sense of humour and lack of sentimentality. Outstanding artistic means are here in the service of a deep humanistic message.

Synopsis: A story of two thirteen-year-old girls, Marie and Inge, who have always been best friends. They have the same problems as other girls of their age – boys, teachers, their own body. However, in one respect they are totally different - they are both blind … They live in a boarding school and live for their biggest passion - music. After their first unsuccessful attempt to succeed in a local band they meet a young German of a Russian origin, with whom they form a band called The Blindgänger in order to make money for his trip home, to Kazakhstan. Before their plans come true, they must together overcome many obstacles; on their way to success they experience both pleasant and unpleasant aspects of life. (Festival information)

Additional information (from the premiere of the film at the Children's Film Festival in Berlin 2004)

In addition, the Ecumenical Jury has given a Commendation to the film

The Farmstead Custodian (Správce statku) by Martin Duba, Czech Republic 2004

Using a documentary related film - language and excellent camera, this work shows how a microcosme of human relations can be changed by a person who has the magical ability to seriously take care of his fellow human beings. In a suggestive way, the film reflects the fragile social situations and developments in the post-communist countries.

Synopsis: There is not much going on at the Solec farmstead in the Czech Paradise region. Its inhabitants include the owner, Mrs. Kubová, and her two sons, the innkeeper Marie and the horsekeeper Lucka. The summer holidays have just started and the everyday stereotype reels around the troubles and worries of the adults and the duties and boredom of the children. The situation radically changes with the arrival of the unknown and mysterious František. Joy, peace and seeming happiness enter the lives of our heroes. However, the expected conflict is drawing close. Due to financial problems, Mrs. Kubová’s husband decides to sell the farmstead. It is necessary to make a plan to prevent this and implement it. (Festival information)

The members of the Ecumenical Jury:
Ina Hochreuther, Germany
Ulla Hjorth Nielsen, Denmark
Oldrich Selucky, Czech Republic