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54th International Film Festival Mannheim-Heidelberg
(17-26 November, 2005)

The Ecumenical Jury at the 54th International Film Festival Mannheim-Heidelberg awards the film

Pavee Lackeen / Wohnwagenleben / The Traveller Girl
by Perry Ogden (Ireland 2005)

with the Ecumenical Film Award.

Motivation of the Jury: "The film authentically describes the living conditions of a large Irish family living in a caravan on the outskirts of Dublin. The director’s achievement lies in his portrayal of the courage and vitality of the young protagonists without giving rise to false hopes."

Synopsis: Winnie is ten years old and lives with her mother and a couple of brothers and sisters in a caravan near a garbage dump in an industrial area in Dublin. Bravely she bears the everyday-life of the family on the edge of society. Once again being scared off by the local authorities, she bears the search for water, she copes with welfare workers, who are not able help, and with her brothers and sisters playing in the dirt. Winnie goest to school but that’s about all her life’s perspective. She sees herself as a ‘Truemmerfrau’ who has already experienced misery. Yet, Winnie is full of hope. As a daughter of an itinerant family (Slang: ‘Pavee’) she has to get along with her milieu. Between documentary and feature film, the characters narrate a moving socio-realistic story about their real life. For ten months, fashion fotographer Perry Ogden shot this film in this strange environment with a digital mini camera and developed every scene with the nonprofessional actors. The film reminds us of the early Italian neorealism and teaches us that there is hope even on the lowest step of the social ladder. (Festival information)

In addition, the jury arwads a Commendation to the film

Ryna / Ryna, das Mädchen / Ryna
by Ruxandra Zenide (Romania/Siwtzerland 2005)

Motivation: "The film about a young girl searching for her identity convinces through a sensitive and precise survey observation both of the protagonist's inner landscape and her surroundings."

Synopsis: Ryna shaved off her hair. She always wears a dirty overall. At first glance, Ryna is not identifiable as a girl. That’s intended. Her single dad wants to keep her to him as long as possible. Not only because Ryna helps him in his repair shop near the estuary mouth of the river Danube. He raised her like the son he never had. Her father rules in a strict despotive way and watches all efforts of men trying to get to know his daughter with great mistrust. However, Ryna begins to search for her female identity. Even a terrible incident iniciated by her father cannot keep her from searching.The wild-poetic beauty of the Danube valley’s landscape with its stranded ships and wide open spaces complement the bewitching acting of the protagonist and help create a great atmoshpere in this film about a difficult growing–up. Few words. A lot of atmosphere. Small gestures. Heavy feelings. (Festival information)

Members of the Jury: Lothar Strüber (President, Freiburg), David Fonjallaz (Bern), Manfred Koch (Bamberg), Bo Torp Pedersen (Copenhagen), Kveta Samajova (Prague)

Jury President Lothar Strueber (right) and Perry Ogden at the Award Ceremony