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20th International Film Forum ARSENALS Riga
17-26 September 2010


The INTERFILM Jury awards its prize in the International Competition for fiction films to

The Temptation of St. Tony
by Veiko Ounpuu, Estonia/Sweden/Finland 2009

The film is about a successful business-man looking for a change in life. After the death of his father, goodness becomes more important to him, and his depraved, capitalistic lifestyle repels him more and more. His aim to be good leads him into increasing danger and he has to face evil.
The film shows exceptional quality in image and sound. The filmmakers use a surrealistic style dealing with a down-to-earth story, which adds many layers to the meaning. The story takes place in an apocalyptic environment but is still full of hope. The audience is given an exceptional and innovative experience.

The Jury awards a Commendation in the International Competition to

Pal Adrienn
by Ągnes Kocsis, Hungary/Netherlands/France/Austria 2010

The story is about a badly overweight woman working as a nurse. Dealing with death every day she is losing her identity. She eats cakes to numb her feelings. Something happens that makes her start looking for a childhood friend, and she begins a journey that will bring her back to herself.
This slow paced film is full of images telling us a story and lingering in our minds for a long time. "Pal Adrienn" is a film that shows us that it is never too late for making a change.

The INTERFILM Jury awards its prize in the Baltic Film Competition to the documentary

How Are You, Rudolf Ming?
by Roberts Rubins. Latvia 2010

It is a film about young Rudolf who has a marvelous talent for storytelling. He invents his own film animation technique and takes his audience to a magic world. A Catholic priest helps Rudolf to find new qualities and self-esteem and gives him a stage to perform.
The film shows us Christian responsibility and human progress, and an open-minded church.
This relaxed and positive way of showing life transmits to any audience.

The INTERFILM Jury awards a Commendation in the Baltic Film Competition to the film

Disco and Atomic War
by Jaak Kilmi, Estonia 2009

A well-researched, humorous and perfectly edited documentary set in Estonia during the Soviet occupation, the film deals with non-violent resistance and the power of free media. It grasps the atmosphere of the Cold war and gives flesh and blood to the recent Baltic history.

The members of the Jury 2010 (from left): Ilze Abrama, Riga (Latvia), Ylva Liljeholm, Visby (Sweden), Rev. Heinz-Martin Krauss, Bremen (Germany)