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41st Molodist
Kyiv International Film Festival
October 22-30, 2011


Awards of the Ecumenical Jury

The Ecumenical Jury appointed by INTERFILM and SIGNIS awards prizes in the feature film competition and the competition of short films.

The Ecumenical Film Prize in the feature film competition goes to

La petite chambre

La petite chambre (The Little Room),
by Stéphanie Chuat and Véronique Reymond, Switzerland 2010

This film is telling about the power of love and the necessity to accept death. By lovable details the screenplay creates nearness to the principal character, acted brilliantly by Michel Bouquet. Its rhythm gives enough time to watch essential moments. It's a film full of tenderness, creating a wonderful mood.

In addition, the Jury awards Commendations to

Ayneh-ha-ye Rouberou (Facing Mirrors),
by Negar Azarbayjani, Iran 2011

Two different women meet in Teheran. After an unexpected trip one of them gets convinced that acting with love, facing ourselves and the others, is more important than how we look. The story and the acting of the main characters are highly convincing. The film introduces the main characters with their problems in a very subtle way and leads to a touching and awakening call to listen to your heart.

and to

Sala samobojcow (Suicide Room),
by Jan Komasa, Poland 2011

This film introduces to a burning problem of today's youth, getting lost in the internet. The convincing acting of the main character shows all the pain of a teenager who is rejected by his schoolmates. He finds new friends in a virtual world. The use of animation, a powerful sound and an unexpected ending keeps us focused and involved in his destiny.

The Prize of the Jury in the competition of short films goes to

Protect the Nation

Protect the nation,
by Candice Reisser, South Africa/Germany 2010

Am I good, am I bad? - a boy in a South Africa township asks. The story – consequently shot on the level of the boy’s eyes – is told on the background of xenophobic violence. This touching and exciting film is talking about fundamental questions of human existence and inspires confidence in the young generation.

Further, the Jury awards a Commendation to

Pogled iz bunara (View from a Well),
by Ivona Juka, Croatia 2011

The decision to give birth to an unborn child with Down's syndrome pushes a couple in a serious conflict. This visual convincing film is striking from the very beginning. Its surprising pictures express the feelings of the woman who is nearly shattered by the question of life and death.

The m
embers of the jury (f.l.): Heinz-Martin Krauss (Germany),
Kristina Nadvorna (Ukraine), Daniel Gassmann (Switzerland)