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Ecumenical and Interfilm Awards 2002

Svenska Kyrkans Filmpris at the 25th Gotenborg Film Festival:
The River, by Jarmo Lampela, Finland 2001

Honourable Mention:
All about my Father, by Even Benestad, Norway 2002


Award of the Interfilm Jury at the23thFilm Festival Max Ophuls Prize:
Utopia Blues, by Stefan Haupt, Switzerland 2001


                                              Utopia Blues


Award of the Ecumenical Jury at the 52nd Internat. Film Festival, Competition
Bloody Sunday, by Paul Greengass, GB/Irland 2001

Award of the Ecumenical Jury at the 52nd Internat. Film Festival, Panorama
L’ange de goudron, par Denis Chouinard, Kanada 2001

Award of the Ecumenical Jury at the 52nd Internat. Film Festival, Forum
E minha cara, by Thomas A.Harris, USA/Brasilien 2001

                                           E minha cara


Prix du Jury Oecuménique au 16ème Festival International du Film:
Ge Ge/Elder Brother, by Yan Mak, Chine 2001


Award of the Ecumenical Jury at the 48th International Short Film Festival:
Suka/Bitch, von Igor Voloskin, Russland 2001

Honourable Mentions:
Sidet’v shkafu/Sitting in the cupboard, by Tania Delkina, Russia 2001
Je m’appelle/My name is..., de Stéphane Elamdjian, France 2001


Prix du Jury Oecuménique au 55ème Festival International du Film:
The Man Without a Past, de Aki Kaurismäki, Finland 2002

Mentions spéciales/Commendations:
Le Fils/The Son, de Jean-Pierre et Luc Dardenne, Belgique 2002
L’ora di religione/Le sourire de ma mère, de Marco Bellocio, Italie, 2002


Prize of the Jury of the Interfilm Academy at the20th Film Festival Munich:
Anansi, by Fritz Baumann, Deutschland 2002

Karlovy Vary

Award of the Ecumenical Jury at the 37th Internat.Film Festival
Cisza/Silence, by Michael Rosa, Poland 2001

Filament, by Jinsei Tsuji, Japan 2001


Prix du Jury Oecuménique au 55ème Festival International du Film
La Cage, de Alain Raoust, France 2002

Mention spéciale:
Diskoli apocheretismi: O baba mou, de Penny Panayotopoulou, Grèce 2002


Prix du Jury Œcuménique au 26ème Festival de Film du Monde:
El Ultimo Tren/Le Dernier Train, de Diego Arsuaga, Uruguay/Argentine/Espagne

Casomai, de Alessandro D’Alatri, Italie


Award of the Ecumenical Jury at the 45th International Documentary Film Festival Leipzig:
Hirtenreise ins dritte Jahrtausend/A Shepherd’s Journey, by Erich Langjahr, Switzerland 2002


Award of the Ecumenical Jury at the XII. Festival of East European Cinema:
Slepa Pega/Blinder Fleck/Blind Spot,  von Hanna A.W.Slak, Slowenia 2002


Award of the Interfilm Jury at the 44th Nordic Film Days:
Möwengelächter/The Seagull’s Laughter/Mavahlatur,  by August Gudmundsson, Iceland 2002


Award of the Ecumenical Jury at the 51th International Film Festival:
Tussenland/Sleeping Rough/Zwischenland, by Eugenie Jansen, Netherlands 2002
Honourable Mention:
Glowing Growing/Die Freiheit des Einzelnen, by Kei Horie, Japan 2002


Prize of the Ecumenical Jury at the 4th International Film Festival:
Japón/Japan, by Carlos Reygadas, Mexico/Spain

Respiro/Grazia’s Island, by Emanuele Crialese, Italy/France
In fiecare zi durnnezeu ne saruta gura/God kisses us on the mouth every day, by Sinisa Dragin, Romania

Templeton Film Award

The Man Without a Past/L’homme sans passé, by Aki Kaurismäki, Finnland 2002