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February 4th, 2003
26th Gothenborg Film Festival
24th January - 3rd February 2003

Members of the jury:
Anne Hoff, journalist (Oslo), Ylva Leitzinger, pastor (Gothenburg), Göran du Rées, professor (Gothenburg)

The Church of Sweden Film Award at the Gothenburg Film Festival 2003 is awarded to the film:

Nói the Albino by Dagur Kári Pétursson, Iceland 2002

Statement of the jury: This year's award goes to a director's first film which tells us the story while using brilliant imagery, daring to bring up the big questions about the mysteries of life, and teaching us something new about being human. Through genuine observations and a sharp eye for details the director chisels out loving relations between people in a storm-swept landscape. Despite the brittle surface, the characters of the film are full of tolerance, compassion, and forgiveness. There are painful images showing mercy and love: the characters see and accept each other.
Nói the Albino shows the eternal death and resurrection in life. Life comes from out of death. Light is born from out of darkness.

Press Communique in Swedish

Dagur Kári Pétursson at the award ceremony

The Church of Sweden Honourable Mention at the Gothenburg Film Festival 2003 is awarded to the film:

Move Me (Lykkevej) by Morten Arnfred, Denmark 2002.

The jury's motivation: By this honourable mention the jury wishes to focus on the gender perspective. The film Move Me is the only film in the competition with a distinctly female perspective. It is a film which dares bring out the ageing woman as active and sensual. The strength is specially shown in main character Birthe Neumann's  role creation. In a difficult situation of life she chooses to take on the responsibility for her own life instead of reacting with bitterness and resignation. While most of the competing films are about men turning away from love, with fear, Sara goes to meet other human beings. Through her actions she encourages others to break ingrained patterns.
