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Award winner of the 26. Kinderfilmfest of the Berlinale
Award of the Children´s Jury for "Le trop petit Prince"

The Children´s Jury at the Kinderfilmfest of the Berlinale gave its award, the Crystal Bear, for the Best Short Film to an entry of the Matthias-Film program:

Pipsqueak Prince (LE TROP PETIT PRINCE) by Zoia Trofimova

The Jury said: "This was a funny story! Told without speaking a word! Amusing, no matter what age you are! Awesomely drawn! Congratulations!!"

The film is available from the Matthias-Film gGmbH (Stuttgart/Germany) für non commercial educational purposes. Matthias-Film is specialized in media for school and education and is a member of INTERFILM.
For further information visit www.matthias-film.de