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May 30, 2003
Danish church film prize for Aki Kaurismäki

Nyborg (Denmark), May 23: Not an Oscar, but a Gabriel was handed over for the first time, as the first Danish church film prize was awarded to the Finnish director Aki Kaurismäki for his film, Mies vailla menneisyyttä (The Man without a Past). With a cheque on 2000 Euro, a beautiful figure in wood of the archangel Gabriel was given to Mr. Kaurismäki at a major church meeting in the town of Nyborg at the island of Fyen. The five hundred participants enjoyed the opportunity at two night screenings to see the film. It is hoped that the new yearly prize will further the distribution of not only this film, but other Nordic films as well in Denmark, says Mr. Bo Torp Pedersen, who was a member of this first church film jury in Denmark. A study material to accompany the film is planned for publication in August this year. >The Man Without a Past< received already the European Templeton Film Award 2002 at this year's Berlinale.