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June 22, 2003
70th Birthday of Hans Werner Dannowski
In Hannover a divine service followed by a reception was celebrated on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Interfilm president Hans Werner Dannowski. The sermon in the Market Church filled by congratulators to the last seat was held by Dannowski himself, who preached just in this place as superintendent of the city till his retirement. His successor, city superintendent Wolfgang Puschmann, and the mayor of Hannover, Herbert Schmalstieg,  valued Dannowski’s merits for the church and the urban culture. Referring to the sermon about the parable of poor Lazarus the mayor emphasized Dannowski’s achievement in maintaining the spirit of mutual perception and human solidarity against the social disintegration of the city. Dannowski who grew up in the former German province of Eastern Prussia was Film Commissioner of the Protestant Churches in Germany from 1985 till 1992 and is president of INTERFILM since 1986.