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July 7, 2003
Hans Hodel retires
As a “workaholic against his own will” appreciating the enjoyments of life Urs Meier, CEO of the Suisse Reformed Media, characterized Hans Hodel, jury coordinator of INTERFILM, on the occasion of his retirement. On his 65th birthday in July Hans Hodel quits his tasks as Film Commissioner of the Reformed Churches in German speaking Switzerland and as departmental chief of film and audiovisual media in the Reformed Media. The screening of the film “Broken Silence” by Wolfgang Panzer and a boat trip across the lakes of Biel, Neufchatel and Murten touching at the different locations of Hans Hodel’s career as pastor, teacher of religion and church media specialist formed the festive frame of his farewell celebration. Speaking for INTERFILM president Hans Werner Dannowski returned his thanks to the Reformed Media for enabling Hans Hodel's Interfilm activities. The time and again surprising ability of communication, of captivating conversation and the gift of connecting people distinguishes Hans Hodel, said Dannowski. His function as Interfilm jury coordinator Hodel will continue. His successor as film commissioner and in the Reformed Media will be the theologian Christine Stark.