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August 20, 2003
Film Festival Locarno 2003
At the 56th International Film Festival Locarno (August 6 -16, 2003) the Ecumenical Jury (Jean-Pierre Hoby, Suisse; Andrew Johnston, Canada; Augustine Loorthusamy, Malaysia; Nathalie Roncier; France; Paola Tognina, Suisse; Ulrike Vollmer, Germany) has chosen for the winner of the Ecumenical Award the film

Khamosh Pani (Silent Waters)
by Sabiha Sumar (Pakistan).

"Finely crafted with great sensitivity, this film celebrates how religion grows human life in community (as personified by the two women Aicha and Zoubida) and also shows how religion can be used to show division and fear, messages of great importance and urgency for our contemporary world," said the Jury.  of The main prize of the International Jury, the Leopardo d'oro, was also awarded to this production from Pakistan, Germany and France.