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May 22nd, 2005
A gateau for the 50th anniversary of INTERFILM

This year in Cannes, the Ecumenical Film Award has been presented for the first time in combination with the Fipresci as both juries presented their awards to the same film: „Caché” by Michael Haneke. At the close of the festival, Jacques Charlier invited the Ecumenical Jury, those responsible for the organisation of the Ecumenical Jury in Cannes and the team that is in charge of the stand on the film market, to a nice party on the roof garden of his house that is situated above the town. On this occasion, Corine and Emmanuel Eugene dit Rochesson surprised the president of the Jury and of INTERFILM, Hans Hodel, for the 50th anniversary of the organisation with a big gateau that was decorated with the emblems of the Jury and that was the cause of great joy for those present.
In the picture, you can see (from left to right): Maggie Morgan (Member of the Jury, Egypt), Corine Eugene dit Rochesson (France), Jacques Charlier (host), Denyse Muller (vice president of INTERFILM and the coordination of the Jury in Cannes), Hans Hodel (President INTERFILM), Jean Lods (President Pro-Fil France), Waltraud Verlaguet (Member of INTERFILM, France).