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May 23rd, 2005
Award of the Ecumenical Jury for „Caché” by Michael Haneke

The award of the 31st ecumenical Jury at the 58th film festival in Cannes went to the French production “Caché” by the 63 year old Austrian director Michael Haneke who also won the Fipresci award of the film critics and the award for best production of the International Jury. The film that was often mentioned as a candidate for the Golden Palm in the context of the competition, triggered off some confusion and irritation not only on screen, but also among the audience and ensured lasting speculations about the question who or what the secret of the anonymously appearing video recordings is all about: the recordings start to increasingly confuse and disturb the private life and the professional surroundings of a famous TV presenter. „The director evokes the complexity of the responsibility of human beings for their past and history in general in a very strict manner” – thus the Ecumenical Jury justified its decision.
Furthermore, the Ecumenical Jury gave an honouring mention to the production „Delwende” (Lève-toi et marche) by S. Pierre Yameogo from Burkina Faso that was produced with the participation of France and Switzerland. The film was also awarded with the „Prize of Hope” by the Foundation for Cinema.
The Ecumenical Jury consisted of: Jean-Michel Dubard (France), Maggie Morgan (Egypt), Corine Eugène dit Rochesson (France), Philippe Rocher (France), Marine Sanna (Italy) and was presided over by Hans Hodel (Switzerland).
For the Jury’s justification and a more detailed report see „Festivals/Cannes”
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