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August 8th, 2005
Presentation of the dissertation by Julia Helmke on “Church, Film and Festivals”

In the framework of her report on “Aspects of European Jury Work since the 1960s – A Theologian and Historical Research” that she held on the occasion of the ecumenical matinee for INTERFILM’s 50th anniversary at the International Film Festival in Locarno, Dr Julia Helmke presented her recently published dissertation on “Church, Film and Festivals”. Because of meticulous research, she examines the history and the assessment criteria of Protestant and ecumenical jury work in the years between 1948 and 1988. The dissertation is published as volume 11 in the series “Studies on Christian Journalism”, edited by Gerhard Meier-Reutti, Friedrich Kraft and Johanna Haberer, Christliche Publizistik Verlag (CPV), Erlangen 2005, and has 479 pages (ISBN 3-933992-11-7). A review by Hans Werner Dannowski is expected soon.