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October 30th, 2005
Ten years INTERFILM Jury at the Nordic Film Days in Lübeck

Once again, a jury of the International Church Film Organisation INTERFILM, consisting of four members, will judge the official festival competition at the 47th Nordic Film Days that will take place from the 3rd to the 6th November in Luebeck. An INTERFILM jury was first established in Luebeck ten years ago. The initiative was taken in connection with the planning of the German-Nordic film seminar in the Academy Bad Segeberg that took place in January 1997 on the subject “Europe’s face – Giving a face to Europe”.
On the occasion of the little jury anniversary and to honour the 50th anniversary of INTERFILM, the Nordic Film Days show Lars von Trier’s “Breaking the Waves” as a special screening. Lars von Trier was the award-winner of INTERFILM’s first jury in Luebeck. This year’s jury consists of Juha Rajamäki, for the first time a Finn, Jaan J. Leppik from Estonia, Julia Helmke from Hannover and Angelika Henschel from Lübeck who was already a member of the Jury ten years ago as she was a study director of the academy Bad Segeberg.