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February 28th, 2005
Celebrating Cinema – Media Development N° 1/2005, Special Publication

On the occasion of INTERFILM’s 50th anniversary, WACC's quarterly magazin "Media Development" (Journal of the World Association for Christian Communication) N° 1/2005 by editor Philip Lee has been published as a special issue entitled "Celebrating Cinema". It includes  - besides a presentation of INTERFILM’s history by Julia Helmke (“Fifty years of INTERFILM”) and a portrait of the new INTERFILM president Hans Hodel by the honorary president Hans Werner Dannowski – contributions by former general secretary of WACC and Honorary Member of INTERFILM Carlos A. Valle, by American Honorary INTERFILM member James M. Wall, by Peter Malone, president of SIGNIS, as well as contributions by Philip Lee on Buster Keaton and by Karsten Visarius on “Phanthom of the future: Cinema in a digital world”.

The publication can be ordered by WACC, 357 Kennington Lane, London SE11 5QY, United Kingdom, or by mail:
wacc@wacc.org.uk. Website: http://www.wacc.org.uk