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February 10, 2010
In memoriam Ron Holloway (1933-2009)

Ron Holloway and his wife, Dorothea Moritz-Holloway (Photo: © Hans Hodel)

International cinema mourns the loss of a staunch supporter and critic, writes Philip Lee, editor of WACC's journal Media Development, in his obituary. One of Ron's last articles on films from and about Afghanistan appeared in Media Development, and in the film journal Kinema. Read more.

James M. Wall, contributing editor of the Christian Century magazine and former president of INTERFILM North America, knew Ron from the beginnings of the National Center for Film Study (NCFS) in Chicago which was founded by Ron, Daniel Cantwell and Henry Herx in the early sixties of he last century. In his Internet blog Wallwritings Jim commemorates his late friend. You can find his article here.

Ron was Honorary life member of INTERFILM. Many of his festival reports appeared also on the INTERFILM website. They can be found in the festivals archive section, for example at the Other Festivals menu item.