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March 20, 2010
Children and Youth Film Festival Malmö 2010
Church of Sweden Youth Film Award

The Church of Sweden Youth Film Award, chosen by a jury at the Children and Youth Film Festival in Malmö, has been given to the Norwegian film

directed by Gunnar Vikene, Norway 2009

with the following motivation: "The film is awarded because it portrays, with great respect, three young people marked by life. In a tale as complex as life itself, the film shows that a spirit of community can exist even though love seems distant. It doesn't flinch from seriousness or  from a sense of humor. A fearless  punch in the stomach and a long embrace, full of warmth."

The jury consisted of:
Bob Hansson, writer, Stockholm
Nils Lundström, musician and teacher, Malmö
Rev. Lena Sjöstrand, officer of cultural affairs at the diocese of Lund (chairman of the jury)
Kajsa Wiktorin, writer and producer of film and art projects for youth, Stockholm

The film has also been awarded at the Nordic Filmdays Lübeck 2009 a Commendation by the Jury INTERFILM.