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April 21, 2010
INTERFILM Seminar and General Assembly in Copenhagen

(vis) From June 10-13, 2010, INTERFILM, in cooperation with its Danish member organisation Kirge og film, organises a seminar in Copenhagen focussing on the Dogma films and their impact today. Within the seminar, the General Assembly of INTERFILM will take place.

The seminar’s subject is inspired by the locality. In 1995 four Danish film directors published a manifesto entitled “Dogma 95” which claimed for a more authentic way of filmmaking. The manifesto established 10 rules for film production which were testified by a certificate in the opening credits of a film if it complied with them. These rules demanded among others to abandon special effects, artificial lighting and weapons and to use only handheld cameras and original locations. Films like Tomas Vinterbergs “The Celebration”, Lars von Trier’s “Idiots” and Soren Kragh-Jacobsons “Mifune” are based on this concept. The ascetism of the manifesto was labelled a “vow of chastity” by the autors themselves. This indicates a religious dimension which apparently is related to certain tendencies in Scandinavian Protestantism.

Dogma 95 is strongly connected to the Zentropa Studios near Copenhagen which will be visited by the participants. Further, they will be guests of the award ceremony of the Danish Church Film Prize “Gabriel”.

The seminar is followed by the General Assembly of INTERFILM taking place every three years and electing the INTERFILM president and the Steering Committee. The actual president Hans Hodel is standing for election once again. The assembly will also discuss the future acitivities of INTERFILM.