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October 11, 2010
Carlos Valle made Honorary Life Member of WACC

(WACC/vis) Rev. Carlos A. Valle, President of INTERFILM 1980-1986, was awarded Honorary Life Membership of WACC (World Association for Christian Communication) in recognition of his services to Christian communication.

Carlos Valle is a Methodist minister from Argentina. He was a staff member of the ecumenical theological school, ISIDET, in Buenos Aires, where he taught various courses on communication, especially film and theology.

Carlos Valle served as WACC’s General Secretary 1986-2001 and organized the first WACC Congress which was held in 1989 in Manila, Philippines. Upon retiring, he returned to Argentina to serve as a chaplain to students at ISIDET in Buenos Aries, where he continues to write on issues related to communication, to work for his church, and to take an active part in promoting communication rights and social justice.

Carlos Valle has written several books, published in both Spanish and English. They include Comunicación es evento (1988), Comunicación: modelo para armar (1990), and Communication and Mission: In the Labyrinth of Globalisation (2002).

INTERFILM has appointed Honorary Life Membership to Carlos Valle 2004. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of INTERFILM in 2005 Carlos wrote: “Cinema has brought human experience to a social level never dreamt of before and theology should learn this lesson. It created, of course, false hopes and unreal worlds, but if offered and opportunity of participation. People could now see what they were like and how they wish they were. (…) Cinema articulated questions and showed humans beings in their glory and misery.”

INTERFILM congratulates Carlos Valle on this honour.

Carlos A. Valle (with blue coat, middle) at the INTERFILM seminar in Ørebro,
Sweden, in 2000