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October 18, 2010
First Ecumenical Jury in Warsaw

For the first time, an Ecumenical Jury has taken part in the Warsaw Film Festival. The jury of 3 members awards prizes (as well as commendations) to directors who have shown genuine talent and succeeded in portraying human experience that is in harmony with the gospel or in sensitising viewers to spiritual, human or social questions and values. It honours works of high cinematographic quality, which bear witness to the power of film as an artistic medium for communication and visual expression. These criterai apply as well to Ecumenical Jurys at other festivals.

The 1st Ecumenical Jury at the 26th International Film Festival in Warsaw (October 8-17, 2010) has chosen as winner of the Ecumenical Film Prize

De la infancia (On Childhood)
by Carlos Carrera (Mexico 2010)

Motivation: A touching dramatic story with an universal challenge that deals with the difficult conditions of children deprived of security and stability due to behaviour of adults, men in particular. A protest against violence: Only by acting responsibly, evil will not dominate and a glimpse of hope may appear for families in distress.

In addition, the Jury has awarded a Commendation to

Periferic (Outbound)
by Bogdan George Apetri (Romania 2010)

Motivation: Through an outstanding performance of the leading actress, the director portrays the struggle of a courageous woman. In spite of rejection, she decides to give her existence a new start when reunified with her son. The deliberate structure of the screenplay leads the audience to believe in a positive perspective for her life.

The Jury:
Rev. Marek Lis (SIGNIS Poland), president
Denyse Muller (INTERFILM France)
Jos Horemans (SIGNIS Europe)

Denyse Muller (top, left), Marek Lys and Jos Horemans (bottom)