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November 24, 2010
Church Film Award at Oulu, Finland

At the 29th Oulu International Children’s and Yoouth Film Festival (15.-21. November 2010), the Church Media Foundation of Finland has assigned its prize to the documentary „Look at me” (Omaa Luokkaansa) by Iiris Härmä (Finland).

"Look at me is a depiction of steadfast caring and love that speaks through actions. Everyday patience and a belief in human change by the force of good are given their due in the film. Look at me occupies the nucleus of Christian value system without preaching or teaching," said jury member Veli-Pekka Hänninen.

The film is a story of the last spring of a selfcontained class in a Finnish junior high school. Some students in the class face loneliness and bullying. The teacher is Ulla, who shows her care and presence in a very special way. Ulla wants to give the students a basis for a stable life, self-confidence and confidence for the future. (Festival information)

The Media Foundation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland grants a 1500-euro prize to a Finnish feature or short film for children or young people. The prize is intended to support Finnish films for children and young people and encourage film makers to examine Christian responsibility and values.

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Look at me
Scene from "Look at me"