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March 11, 2013
Swiss Documentary "Forbidden Voices" Wins WACC-SIGNIS Human Rights Film Award
The WACC-SIGNIS Human Rights Award for 2012 has been given to the Swiss documentary Forbidden Voices directed by Barbara Miller. The film, endorsed by Reporters Without Borders, portrays three female bloggers - Yoani Sánchez in Cuba, Zeng Jinyan in China, and Farnaz Seifi  in Iran - who challenge the state censorship in their countries.

The WACC-SIGNIS Human Rights Award has been launched in 2010. It is given to documentaries that seek to throw light on questions of human rights reflecting the values and priorities of WACC, the World Association for Christian Communication, and SIGNIS, the World Catholic Association for Communication.

Read more about the award on the WACC website: wacc.global.org/ 

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