Ron Holloway's Film Databank on Russia, the USSR and the Post-Soviet Republics

Ron Holloway has offered us to publish his databank on directors from prerevolutionary Russia, the USSR and the pre- and post-soviet states on the Interfilm website. It is probably the most comprehensive source of information on this geographic region. Listed are mor than 3.000 film directors from the Baltics, Middle Asia, the Caucasus Mountains, Russia, the Ukraine, Belorussia and Moldawia. Thus, the whole territory of the former USSR is taken into account. You can download the databank

as Word document (about 1 MB)

  as PDF file (about 3 MB)

The letters in brackets after the film title stand for

(a) animation; (d) documentary; (e) experimental) (f) fiction; (p) puppet film; (s) short