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INTERFILM-Info since 1/03

INTERFILM’s membership magazin, the Info, is published twice a year. Since a few years ago the two numbers are combined in one volume. It comprises  in print essentially the festival awards and reports, news, and articles which are communicated online before. For anyone interested INTERFILM provides the Info as a pdf file. At present the following editions are available:

INTERFILM Info 1/03 (July 2003)    (3,5 MB)

INTERFILM Info 1/04-2/04 (January 2005)    (8 MB)

INTERFILM Info 1/05-1/06 (July 2006)    (15 MB)

INTERFILM Info 2/06-2/07  (April 2009)    (12 MB)

INTERFILM Info 1/08-2/08 (March 2010)    (33 MB)

INTERFILM Info 1/09-2/09 (May 2010)     (52 MB)

For a download you need the Acrobat Reader:  

Ron Holloway's Film Databank on Russia, the USSR and the Post-Soviet Republics

Ron Holloway has offered us to publish his databank on directors from prerevolutionary Russia, the USSR and the pre- and post-soviet states on the Interfilm website. It is probably the most comprehensive source of information on this geographic region. Listed are mor than 3.000 film directors from the Baltics, Middle Asia, the Caucasus Mountains, Russia, the Ukraine, Belorussia and Moldawia. Thus, the whole territory of the former USSR is taken into account. You can download the databank

as Word document (about 1 MB)

  as PDF file (about 3 MB)

The letters in brackets after the film title stand for

(a) animation; (d) documentary; (e) experimental) (f) fiction; (p) puppet film; (s) short

Bibliography of INTERFILM members
Books and essays

On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of INTERFILM we published a book on the history of the organisation including a bibliography of essays and books published by INTERFILM members. It is based on notifications of the authors. To be corrected and completed it is published also on the INTERFILM website.

Download the bibliography as PDF file: